Naveen  Vadlamudi

Naveen Vadlamudi

Broker, ABR®, SRES®


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Plan Your Move Well In Advance


One of the most common mistakes made by home buyers and sellers is not arranging for moving day well in advance. Even if you've just put your property on the market, or are only in the beginning stages of shopping for a new home, you should start planning for moving day now.

Check Your Credit Report


Have you seen the humorous TV commercial that features someone lamenting the consequences of not having checked his credit score? 

When to Consider a Less-Than-Ideal Home


Obviously, when you’re searching for a new home, you want to find one that is ideal. It should be your next dream home. However, sometimes it pays to consider at least some properties that don’t meet all your criteria. After all, you never know whether one of them is actually your next dream home - in disguise!

Smart Packing Tips for Moving Day


The last thing you need after a long moving day is to discover that a valuable item was damaged. That’s certain to dampen your spirits when you’re just getting settled into your new home.

Don’t Forget the Commute


Some home buyers consider purchasing a home that is less expensive but farther away from work. In particular, people who work in an urban area sometimes consider living outside the city, where housing costs a little less.

Reasons to Consider Making a Move


When is it a good time to sell your property and buy another home? Whenever there’s a good reason to do so! There are many things that may motivate you to consider making a move.

For example:

Be a Savvy Home Viewer


The last thing you want to experience after purchasing a home is “buyer’s regret”. That’s the sinking feeling you get when you realize, days or weeks later, that you may have made the wrong decision.

Using the Internet to Shop for a New Home


There's more information on the Internet than in the entire collection of the U.S. Library of Congress. (And that's the largest library in the world!)

Real Estate and the Price of Apples


Consider this scenario. Say you're at your local supermarket and notice that apples are on sale for $3.95 each. If you've ever purchased apples before, you know that's a pretty hefty price.

“Facelifts” that Boost Resale Value


If you plan on putting your home on the market, you obviously want it to look as attractive as possible to potential buyers. Improving the look of your kitchen or bathroom is a great place to start.

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